Kept a workout log for couple of years, just started with diet log and just got a digi scales but remembering to weigh everything is hard to do. I'll get used to it though, and I'll check out that fitday link, thanks for that.
Digital scales - They should have them a most dept stores in the kitchen section or something simular, or check the net, I bet there loads of different ones you can get.
I have kept training and diet logs since 1987. Needless to say I have thousands of pages. I refer back to them from time to time just to make sure that I stay on track. The majority of the log books that I used, were the books that came with I think the original Met RX boxes, I've just copied the pages all these years and hole punched them into folders. I keep them by year with a tab corresponding to weight and or contest periods.
always a diet log, but now that I'm getting serious I starteda traing log aswell. Go to and click on downloads. They have the best diet log I have found on the net so far.