None right now, because I'm not pushing that lift (and my back issue).
On a good day, untrained I can go pull 405 for 1 or 2 (x2 is my PR).... so disproportional it's not even funny, so that's why. I need to train my bench and bring that up to par.
i'm thinking i want to go twice a week myself......even if on saturday.....i know about DOMS, but your body adapts to it if stressed just enough (but not too much).
Nope. Stopped doing them so I could put in another arm day.
DOMS is completely irrelevant in determining how often to deadlift. You can train through a bit of soreness with no problem, but blowing out your CNS two weeks into a program will stop your progress dead (no pun intended) in its tracks. And a lot of near-maximal pulling is a great way to do that if, as with most people who've been training the lift for a decent amount of time, your deadlift is your heaviest lift.