How to make your OWN makeup!!!!
I've been creating my own makeup for sometime now... I would gather up some of my old old old makeup to throw out... But didn't have the heart to! So I thought... I'm gonna make my own....
You will need:
1. Small old frying pan...
2. Petroleum Jelly
3. Old makeup you never use
4. Empty pots
Yes thats all you need...
Start off on low heat... Add half a teaspoon of Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline), Either crush up an old eyeshadow you will never use... Or an old lipstick... Or an old blusher...
Mix the two together... Wait for the two to combine and it should be a solid colour of the product you crushed into the pan... Use a spoon to mix it...
Have a small empty pot near you (I buy empty pots from supermarkets, Or Muji)
Then slowly pour the liquid in the small pot... Place in the fridge (without lid) It'll be done in 5/6hours... Or less sometimes..
You'll end up with a cute, Pot of colour... If you've crushed an eyeshadow you can either:
1. Use it as an eye gloss with a hint of colour.. (I do that)!
2. Use it as a base, THEN add an intense colour on top for that smoky sexy look and the base will also hold the pigment in place because of the creamy texture...
If you crushed Lipstick:
1. Simple.. Use it as a lipbalm with a hint of colour... Moisturizing and adds colour.. EASY!!!
2. If you have a really intense lip colour, and think "I can never wear that" Number 1, Er... you can...! You don't always have to wear lipstick as intense as it looks...
Rub it on your middle finger and use it as a lipstain... You still have the colour but not so BAM..! Number 2. break up the lipstick into the jelly and it will soften the colour, Then you can wear it as a lip balm.. Again very simple..
If you crushed Blusher:
1. Use it as a highlighter... Looks great
2. Use it as a lipbalm, Eyegloss etc....
No matter what you crush... Lipstick, Eyeshadow, Blusher... Remember that you can use it ANYWHERE on the face...
All the products I've made I use the eye colours on the lips... Lips on the eyes... You get my point...
Its also a great way to mix colours together... If I can't find the exact makeup I want... I know what colours will create it, So I make it myself...
The more sheer you want your homemade colours.. Add more Vaseline to it... If you want quite a solid colour but not too out there... Use half a teaspoon of vaseline...
Anyway... Have making your own makeup... Not messy Btw...