Trust me, your two inches ain't even gonna come close to whacking the kid.
I think we were in our 7th month before the belly got in the way. Side postion and doggie work well. You'll get REALLLLY creative during the last stages if she's un-comfy.
I can recall in my last week before our due date, the doc telling us to go home and get busy. He was worried since Bri had not turned into the correct birthing position. It seems that having sex at that late date would get things moving. Well, it did not work cuz I got a stubborn kid..Or my hubby has a small enough pee wee to NOT have made a difference in the doc's theory. I went C-section cuz I would have delivered the cord before her.
She feeling ok? Any morning sickness? She loving the pre-natal vits they are giving her? I wish I could get ahold of those vits again- THEY ARE THE BESTEST!