I have been logging on to fitday, entering what I eat.. but I always seem to come up with too many calories. I thought it was 12-14 tmes body weight.. but if I want to LOSE fat, does the 12-14 Xbodyweight still count, or is that to maintain weight
I'm 5'1, 120 pounds, 29 years old.
I run Interval training 4 mornings a week( generally about 1/2 hour)
I lift weights heavy ( well heavy for me.. ha ha!) generally 4 times a week(right now am on a 4x8 program)
1. legs
My diet is as follows
6:30 oatmeal(half a cup precooked) 3 sliced strawberries and have added 2-3 egg whites( also have a cup of green tea, every couple of days black coffee with milk or black tea with milk)
9:00 about15-20 almonds, 1/4 cup 1%cottage cheese
11:45ish chicken breast(medium.. lightly cooked in canola or oilive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper) cup of broccoli( or similar green veggies, eg spinach) one potato( boiled ) added light salt or seasoning
2:30ish same as above
(now here I should be eating something to give me energy for the gym but am way to full and feel bloated ... I feel the food at the gym from this 2:30 meal)
gym /weights
(between 4:30 and 6:30)
I am starting to eat an eggwhite asap after weights
I get home about 8:00... I usually eat something then too.. this is probably where I have problems..(it varies what I eat). is it becuase I don't eat enough fats.. and this is why i'm hungry late at night and probably eat too many carbs with my evening meal
which is usually chicken or fish with veggies ( mix) and sometimes noodles/rice potato.
this is monday - friday.. I eat on sat and sunday... am trying to keep it to ONE cheat meal...
I take a multi vitamin, green tea cap, vit d, and flax seed oil mon-fri morning. I'm also on yasmin birth control.
I try and drink as much water throughout the day
How can I stop the bad cheats, the eating carbs late at night ?(i'm always too hungry!) ? feeling too full
then it seems we are being told i'm not eating enough..if I add more food then when I add all my calories in to fitday there is more than the 12-14 times bodyweight
I do want to.. just looking for some tips... or what i'm doing wrong...i'm tired of my fatness
sorry for the long post!
I'm 5'1, 120 pounds, 29 years old.
I run Interval training 4 mornings a week( generally about 1/2 hour)
I lift weights heavy ( well heavy for me.. ha ha!) generally 4 times a week(right now am on a 4x8 program)
1. legs
My diet is as follows
6:30 oatmeal(half a cup precooked) 3 sliced strawberries and have added 2-3 egg whites( also have a cup of green tea, every couple of days black coffee with milk or black tea with milk)
9:00 about15-20 almonds, 1/4 cup 1%cottage cheese
11:45ish chicken breast(medium.. lightly cooked in canola or oilive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper) cup of broccoli( or similar green veggies, eg spinach) one potato( boiled ) added light salt or seasoning
2:30ish same as above
(now here I should be eating something to give me energy for the gym but am way to full and feel bloated ... I feel the food at the gym from this 2:30 meal)
gym /weights
(between 4:30 and 6:30)
I am starting to eat an eggwhite asap after weights
I get home about 8:00... I usually eat something then too.. this is probably where I have problems..(it varies what I eat). is it becuase I don't eat enough fats.. and this is why i'm hungry late at night and probably eat too many carbs with my evening meal
which is usually chicken or fish with veggies ( mix) and sometimes noodles/rice potato.
this is monday - friday.. I eat on sat and sunday... am trying to keep it to ONE cheat meal...
I take a multi vitamin, green tea cap, vit d, and flax seed oil mon-fri morning. I'm also on yasmin birth control.
I try and drink as much water throughout the day
How can I stop the bad cheats, the eating carbs late at night ?(i'm always too hungry!) ? feeling too full
then it seems we are being told i'm not eating enough..if I add more food then when I add all my calories in to fitday there is more than the 12-14 times bodyweight
I do want to.. just looking for some tips... or what i'm doing wrong...i'm tired of my fatness
sorry for the long post!