Actually, every girl I ever wanted to sleep with, I did. I slept with a very very good many that I was not interested in as well, simply out of boredom.
I can honestly say no girl (or guy) has ever rejected me.
Actually, every girl I ever wanted to sleep with, I did. I slept with a very very good many that I was not interested in as well, simply out of boredom.
I can honestly say no girl (or guy) has ever rejected me.
Most diesel dykes are usually paired up with a lipstick lesbian. They like feminine traits and may find men too masculine. Who knows? Maybe they are scared the men will get up in the middle of the night and drink their Coors. I dunno.
I'm sorry bro, but I'm going to have to say that most dykes go together with other dykes. I'm not joking here. The common mentality is that ofcourse a dyke is going to have a lushish lesbo on her arm, but no. That's like saying all gay men wear panties.
I'm sorry bro, but I'm going to have to say that most dykes go together with other dykes. I'm not joking here. The common mentality is that ofcourse a dyke is going to have a lushish lesbo on her arm, but no. That's like saying all gay men wear panties.
Not true. When you see two dykes together, chances are they are friends. I mean, you would see me and another gym guy together because we don't like going out alone (no one really does in the gay world) but that doesn't mean we are partners. He could be my best friend. Also, a lot of lipstick lesbians will not be caught dead in a fish bar because they are almost always ingrained in the Corporate World. There are two lesbians that live in my neighborhood, 5 doors down. One is an incredibly attractive woman, a major executive for Jet Blue, the airline service. she dresses articulate and looks like she stepped off the pages of Vogue. Her partner is an Italian dyke. Which the neighborhood as dubbed The Gorilla. (use your imagination) she rides Harleys, wears bandanas on her head and goes to shoot pool with other butch wimmen all the time. YOu see her out on town with another dyke, but they are not partners. A lot of dykes follow this pattern.
I understand what you're saying, but then it could be said that the majority of gay male relationships are Bears and Bottoms.
Perhaps it's a regional thing. To tell you the truth, where I'm at 90% of the women are fat and ulgy, so that might be why. But I have be witness to mulitple Dyke love scenes. And The next time one happens I'll snap a few shots.