Hey, haven't been here in awhile but I do recognize Anthrax. How's it going mang! This is correct, as well as macro's statement.
Also, the liver can on average (depending on each individual) store up to anywhere between 50-100grams before excess gets coverted into triglycerides. Lyle McDonald did a great paper on this a few years back. It IS here in the archive if anybody wants to do a search for it. I think Par Deus posted it up if I remember correctly...not sure though. Just use Lyle as a cross-reference.
Energy and strength levels are optimal when liver glycogen is full and not empty, which may be the reason why Gatorade adds it in their drinks. I still wish they'd cut back a little on the fructose and HFCS and increase the dextrose. Also, fructose is a better flavoring agent than that of other sugars, so i'm sure this adds into the equation as well...at least a little.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is garbage. Stay away from it. I read Dr. Scott Connelly's book about how High Fructose Corn Syrup is a big fat sugar pill. Yet Metrx still uses it in all of their Protein bars. It is cheaper to make and is pure trash for bodybuilding. If you see a company using High Fructose Corn Syrup it tells you that the company is only about money.