it would really help to know your history of what caused this.
was it from weight training? a desk job? an accident?
anyway i've had to deal with herniated discs for years and they suck. the cortizone shot DOES NOT HEAL you, it just masks the pain by shrinking the nerve temporarily, once that nerve comes back then your pain comes back worse in most cases.. i hope your doctor explained this to you.
you cannot depend on others to help you here at all, you gotta fix this yourself. what has HELPED ME greatly was an inversion table, stand up desk, and most of all BIKRAM yoga. not regular yoga, but you gotta do the tougher version called bikram. you also are going to have to ease up on the heavy weight training.. you can still lift but lift light and SMART from now on and avoid overhead movements or jerking movements
DO NOT see a chiropractor and stop getting drugged up by doctors. i depended on those fools for years and spent tens of thousands and go nowhere. they live in big houses and drive nice cars cause they steal your money with no results