Bros, I am on a cycle right now on Deca 400mg/wk and Sostenon 500mg/wk. I was very lean to begin with, but lately I get extremely strong cravings. Now it doesn't even matter to me what kind of food, when I'm hungry I gotta eat. If I don't...I feel like I'm gonna start tearing peoples heads off and eating them. Very very strong cravings. I got these friggin love handles now too. What should I do here? How do I deal with this and how do I get rid of the love handles? I am doing some cutting after this bulking phase. Using Winstrol and Denastil to lean up later. I can't do Clen, so that's out of the question. Some of my bros are saying don't worry too much if you pack on extra fat because I am bulking. But some are saying still watch your diet. I am eating all the right stuff plus all the extra junk too which isn't needed in my opinion. I feel like shit for letting myself loose...depressed. I am always lean, so it's not like me to get like this. I do cardio 20min 3 times per week. Should I increase this to burn off the extra fat or what? Any educated advice is appreciated. Thank You.