Lots if info in here so I will reply to what I can....
The AAS look decent to me...
You may want to consider Primo for 16 weeks since it is really slow. You could probably do Var for 8 weeks as it will help lean out and create some vascularity. I would suggest 200 iu 3x per week of HCG throughout the cycle. Then start you PCT one week after last pin. Maybe add in .5 Anti E 2-3x per week and you won't have to worry about gyno creeping up.
Use 22guage 1 1/2 inch pin for glutes as you want that deep IM where the circulation is good. If you go in the delts then go 1" 25 guage is to small for oil
Your pin schedule looks fine at 2x per week. The only thing that might elevate your liver enzymes is the T-bol and a Var, but since you are doing them for short periods I think you will be fine.
On the HCG PCT you probably can to shoot 1000 iu every other day for 20 days.
You can double bang both the primo and test in one shot since they are both oil based. Another reason you want a bigger gauge or you will be pushing a long time.
If you can find a product like HCGeenerate to use along with your cycle then it will help you keep your own Test working. Somebody recommended T-Force to me bc HCGenerate is out of stock and it has the one main ingredient. I also still like to add in Milk Thistle with the N2guard, but that is your call.
Sorry if I missed some stuff.