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HCGenerate Extra Strength is What She Wants You to Take
HCGenerate Extra Strength is What She Wants You to Take
I have to admit I was pretty shocked when I found out the guys at N2BM Nutrition had decided to make a new "Extra Strength" version of their already potent HCGenerate product. The addition of the new HCGenerate ES (Extra Strength) to the product line really establishes N2BM as the dominating brand in Post Cycle Therapy supplements. The EliteFitness.com forum members using Steroids feel very fortunate to have a brand like N2BM to cater to them.
The original formulation of the classic HCGenerate is already heavily packed with strong ingredients, so N2BM had to really add some serious power to this formula to be able to call it "Extra Strength", read on the article below by EliteFitness.com Moderator Dylan Gemelli and find out what makes the new HCGenerate ES, so Extra Strong!