massive thanks for hosting!
I owe that 70-year-old guy; a hero to be supported.
it could have been better. i would have liked to seen a stronger message towards females and those still going - they mentioned growth plates in just one sentance; i would have prefered them to say "But if you're still growing steroids will stop you growing". (When making a case for something it's often good to make a concession and argue the oth side as well rather than being one sided)
I would also like to have seen some very basic warnings such as addictiveness/coming off, gyno, natural test shutdown and safety in general.
The anti doc's recommendation on the show that basically says "medicine is for the sick" is understandable but out of date. This reminds me of my company's holding back of technical information when people are going to open up their computers - you just have to work with your `customers`, not fight against them and it's the same here - support where you can.
Not only are we proactive as well as reactive to illness, people now readily accept the idea of using all sorts of drug in aiding adaptation to a situation:
- Viagra
- Nootropics
- ProPlus
(so many more like this)
- Coffee on monday mornings
- Paracetomol? (because I find it's not needed for headaches - dehydration, sleep and nice food fixes. However, this isn't always possible)
I'll certainly keep a copy of this around for when anybody starts to lecture me.