I finished my cycle two weeks ago. I am weaker than before the cycle! Everything just went to hell. I was taking 500mg/ test enanthate per week. Right when the test started to kick in I caught a bad case of the flu. I didn't eat for 6 days and then didn't eat much for the next 10 days. I lost 15 lbs total. I couldn't lift for about 2 weeks while sick. Then I spent the next 5 weeks getting back to where I was when I started the cycle. When I finished the cycle I had to go out of town for business and couldn't lift for that week. Now after two weeks clean I'm weaker than I was at the start. It sucks. Well at least I'm having the gyno surgery next week. I'll be relaxing for a while after that then I'll lift for a couple of months clean then try another cycle.