Bikini Mod
New member
princesa said:you are right, most people want what they cant have
but cmon infront of the other person..?? thats low imo
honestly i dont know what i would do if i was hanging out w/my man and some girl would come up to him...holy cow lol ...i dont think i would get my hands dirty, i would probably let him handle it
if the situation was reversed most likely the other guy would get punched in the face..right?? i least where i am from
I can't leave my husband alone for 10 minutes without every female within a 1 mile radius wanting to be up in his shit.
Not only am I NOT offended by it, but it feeds my ego. I mean, why would I want a man that no other woman wants?

He knows he is married to me, don't he?
As for the thread topic, I've been both bold and more demure in my approach. There is a way to approach a man without seeming desperate.
... and sorry, but I have NEVER seen a man that I would want to instantly devour. I need something more than just his exterior to want to devour him and to surmise that better takes time.
If a man doesn't see *my brand of wonderful* (men are EXTREMELY visual) then why should I break my neck to *make him see*? Men don't work that way. A man will NEVER value what a woman merely offers up to him on a silver platter. It is their nature to hunt/pursue. If a woman takes that away from him then he will NOT want her. Just think about how the thread began... A man asking if other men instantly DEVALUE a woman who removes the pursuit by being overly aggressive.
And I DID approach my husband online. I sent him an email telling him that I thought his screen name was THE FUNNIEST I had seen in a long time. I never expected him to reply and I wasn't REALLY all that interested in him as he was very ungeographically desirable. Yes, I found him appealing, otherwise I wouldn't have emailed him. But I wasn't desperate. He emailed me his cell number and because I opted NOT to go out that night I called him. The conversation lasted 6+ hours and the rest, I suppose as they say, is history.