O, Jens, I'm glad! Yay!
When I'd turned 35 (I'm not telling you how long ago that was) I'd already felt a little lump, but I'd figured it was a clogged duct (I was still lactating a teensy bit, long after weaning). But the radiologist, after the sonogram, said it wasn't that, and ordered a needle biopsy. That really sucked, but thankfully it turned out to be benign. I was supposed to go back for a follow-up six months later but I never did. I'm also a year or two over due for my pap.
I know, I know...but my youngest just started kindergarten, so I'll figure out our new insurance, pick a doctor, and get it done...ugh. I just don't want to have to have another biopsy. The scar from the first still gets achy sometimes (they punch a hole in you with a needle like a juice-box straw...).
The mammogram itself wasn't too bad, except that I have a little breast tissue under my arms (ooh...it swelled up during engorgement like little eggs...I could hardly put my arms down!), and getting that in the picture took a lot of pulling and pinching...