Not to beat a dead horse but here is a list of my gripes:
1.)Scantily Clad Women--they'll come sit next to me in some flimsy outfit doing the exercises totally wrong, but in a manner that shows off their body the best to turn heads...they walk around in almost nothing wanting to be looked at, and pretend to get all offended when they catch someone eyeing them. They hafta show up in the latest Express or DKNY workout gear...and distract distract tease tease...
2.)The Water--at a gym you'd think the bubbler/fountain/whatever u call it would be somewhat decent since a workout without water is pointless...but my gym's water must flow through rusty sewage pipes before it surfarces. I bring my own bottle of spring water, but once in a while i'll run out before i leave and be forced to put my mouth to that garbage.
3.)Dating Service--the fella who started this thread said it best. So many people choose which exercise to do based on where other people are standing. I've seen many start new bodyparts (going against initial plan) just to be with whoever it is.
4.)The Locker Room--everytime i arrive and depart, i go to my locker and there is a handful of 90 year old men standing around nude...i keep my eyes on the ground, but its awkward as hell doing a combination next to a nude old guy who is in no rush to throw on his undies.
5.)The Music--My gym @college has no tunes...just weights clanging and voices chattering. My home gym has soft rock...since its more of a 'health club' i guess they dont want to offend anybody with words that were swears in the 1920s that sometimes appear in hip hop and alternative music.
6.)Next In Line Kids--@school, plenty of times kids will come up and ask me how many sets i have left. Odds are its 1 or 2, and the fuckin kid will stand breathing down my neck trying to use 'willpower' to get me to finish quicker.
7.)The "how much u do" factor--I just learned this recently so i wont act like a lifelong aint that big a deal how much weight you do compared to jimmy and bobby. I'd rather be a jacked mofo that can only bench 175 than some portly fella who benches 405. Once u leave the gym, looks is all anyone goes off of.
8.)Insiders--Just because u know the biggest kid in the gym or the trainers or johnny popularity, it doesnt make you God....because the minute that guy leaves your side youre just a joe and i'd rather see a joe without an ego trip.
Dont get me wrong, i love gym life....these are a few aspects that bother me. I never bitch about them but since people seemed to be getting shit off their chest so i'd thought i'd jump on the wagon. Get at me if you feel the same way i do on some of these, i'd be interested to know.