Optimus Pryme
New member
Hello friends,
I've been a lurker on these boards for about 3 months now and have had all my thirst for information quenched whether by the daily boards or via search. Now, with the new search in place I'm having a lot of trouble gettin the information I'm need off, thus I have to turn to posting. I've put together a cycle and need your input on it. My main concern is the Anavar dosage and if it is okay to switch the type of test you are doing mid cycle. I'm far from a vet. Just a newbie here who picked up a little knowledge by all the great information you guys post. Thank you.
This is gonna be my 4th cycle, but first time using Test. It's been a year since my prior cycle(well, did Winny for 4 weeks about 6 weeks ago, but low dosage 150mg/week), but this is what I have planned.
1. 100mg E3D-----------4I.UED/.25,.50----250mg E5D--------------------
2.100mg E3D------------4I.U/.50,.75-------250mg E5D--------------------
3. 100mg E3D------------4I.U/.75,1.00-----250mg E5D--------------------
4.100mg E3D-------------4I.U/1.00,.75-----250mg E5D-------------------
WEEK 5 switching TEST prop to Sust
5.500mg-------------------4IU/.75,.50----250mg E5D----------------
6.500mg--------------------4I.U/.50,.25---250mg E5D-----------------
7.500mg--------------------4I.U/.25,0----250mg E5D---100mg EoD---200mg----5pills ED
8.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack----250mgE5D----100mg EoD----200mg----5 pills ED
9.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
10.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
11.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
12.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
2 weeks after last shot of Sust, will start Clomid and HCG.
I know many of you will suggest using Sust prior to Prop, but my Sust order got snagged and I have to wait 4 weeks before new one comes in. I dont have that much time to start the cycle.
Ahh, almost forgot present stats.... 5ft 9in, 185lbs, 11.9% BF
Thanks a lot peeps and good lookin. Peace!!
I've been a lurker on these boards for about 3 months now and have had all my thirst for information quenched whether by the daily boards or via search. Now, with the new search in place I'm having a lot of trouble gettin the information I'm need off, thus I have to turn to posting. I've put together a cycle and need your input on it. My main concern is the Anavar dosage and if it is okay to switch the type of test you are doing mid cycle. I'm far from a vet. Just a newbie here who picked up a little knowledge by all the great information you guys post. Thank you.
This is gonna be my 4th cycle, but first time using Test. It's been a year since my prior cycle(well, did Winny for 4 weeks about 6 weeks ago, but low dosage 150mg/week), but this is what I have planned.
1. 100mg E3D-----------4I.UED/.25,.50----250mg E5D--------------------
2.100mg E3D------------4I.U/.50,.75-------250mg E5D--------------------
3. 100mg E3D------------4I.U/.75,1.00-----250mg E5D--------------------
4.100mg E3D-------------4I.U/1.00,.75-----250mg E5D-------------------
WEEK 5 switching TEST prop to Sust
5.500mg-------------------4IU/.75,.50----250mg E5D----------------
6.500mg--------------------4I.U/.50,.25---250mg E5D-----------------
7.500mg--------------------4I.U/.25,0----250mg E5D---100mg EoD---200mg----5pills ED
8.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack----250mgE5D----100mg EoD----200mg----5 pills ED
9.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
10.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
11.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
12.250mg--------------------4I.U/eca stack---deca done----100mg EoD----200mg---5 pills ED
2 weeks after last shot of Sust, will start Clomid and HCG.
I know many of you will suggest using Sust prior to Prop, but my Sust order got snagged and I have to wait 4 weeks before new one comes in. I dont have that much time to start the cycle.
Ahh, almost forgot present stats.... 5ft 9in, 185lbs, 11.9% BF
Thanks a lot peeps and good lookin. Peace!!