New member
I've spent the weekend moving house. My quads hurt. My hamstrnigs hurt. My biceps hurt. Most of all, my BRAIN hurts. THey say it's stressful and I ALWAYS forget that.
So, some workout tips I learned this weekend -
1. To find your 1-rep max squat, discover that ikea have put bollards in your way so to get your new sofa to your van, you need to lift it around 20 yards. Think, hey, let's apply some weight training principles here. Crouch down, Lft up end of sofa, place on shoulder, attempt to perform squat to lift up sofa and carry one end to van with hubby carrying other end. Discover, one rep max is less than sofa weighs. (He's stronger than me and doesn't work out. No fair!). Have screaming row with husband in front of many amused shoppers about whose idea it was to rent a van instead of using home delivery service. Wait until shopper takes pity on you both and helps you lift sofa into van.
2. Strength endurance test for biceps and triceps - direct heavily loaded trolley trhough warehouse while avoiding obstacles like piles of money-off deckchairs, small children in strollers, and other people with large trolleys. Also, for legs and arm, have checkout clerk force you to remove everything from trolley because she can't see what the bottom product is. Replace everything on trolley, more squatting.
3. Cardio - carry around 50 boxces each full of books, tools, plates etc down 3 flights of stairs and place in van. Remove from van later at light-speed as we are blocking the street (high intensity cardio).
4. Throwing exercises - throw black bags full of clothing on to boxes in van.
5. Mental endurance - try not to kill anyone all weekend, even those aimless pedestrians intent on running under your wheels as you try to parallel park with no middle rear view mirror and directions from someone else.
6. Agility - drive van around saturday shoppers as you attempt to leave ikea car park. Ideal slalom material. Now all we need is some snow...
JESUS AM I GLAD I DON'T DRIVE A TRUCK FOR A LIVING! I'd never last the pace....
BTW, new appartment is starting to look great now, we have some furniture and have moved in most of our stuff . I am also pleased that my back is NOT sore. Did the lifting correctly this time, thinking of thre being no point in maintaining correct form in the gym if I abuse my back outside of it...
So, some workout tips I learned this weekend -
1. To find your 1-rep max squat, discover that ikea have put bollards in your way so to get your new sofa to your van, you need to lift it around 20 yards. Think, hey, let's apply some weight training principles here. Crouch down, Lft up end of sofa, place on shoulder, attempt to perform squat to lift up sofa and carry one end to van with hubby carrying other end. Discover, one rep max is less than sofa weighs. (He's stronger than me and doesn't work out. No fair!). Have screaming row with husband in front of many amused shoppers about whose idea it was to rent a van instead of using home delivery service. Wait until shopper takes pity on you both and helps you lift sofa into van.
2. Strength endurance test for biceps and triceps - direct heavily loaded trolley trhough warehouse while avoiding obstacles like piles of money-off deckchairs, small children in strollers, and other people with large trolleys. Also, for legs and arm, have checkout clerk force you to remove everything from trolley because she can't see what the bottom product is. Replace everything on trolley, more squatting.
3. Cardio - carry around 50 boxces each full of books, tools, plates etc down 3 flights of stairs and place in van. Remove from van later at light-speed as we are blocking the street (high intensity cardio).
4. Throwing exercises - throw black bags full of clothing on to boxes in van.
5. Mental endurance - try not to kill anyone all weekend, even those aimless pedestrians intent on running under your wheels as you try to parallel park with no middle rear view mirror and directions from someone else.
6. Agility - drive van around saturday shoppers as you attempt to leave ikea car park. Ideal slalom material. Now all we need is some snow...
JESUS AM I GLAD I DON'T DRIVE A TRUCK FOR A LIVING! I'd never last the pace....
BTW, new appartment is starting to look great now, we have some furniture and have moved in most of our stuff . I am also pleased that my back is NOT sore. Did the lifting correctly this time, thinking of thre being no point in maintaining correct form in the gym if I abuse my back outside of it...