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Great Info On powerchews PRE-WO! :-P


Power Chews Pre-Workout is engineered with 6, and ONLY 6, of the purest, hardest-hitting, and fastest-acting pre-workout ingredients ever developed. No useless ingredients that do nothing but waste your money. And no pills to gag down or chalky powders to mix. Just explosive, iron crushing, pre-workout performance fuel condensed into a powerful, great tasting chewable tablet that's available anytime you need it!

Do you want insane energy to go all out, razor sharp focus to feel every rep, and unrelenting motivation to annihilate your old records? No problem. But if you're tired of pre-workouts that deliver the kind of stimulant-crashes that kick your butt HARDER than you've already kicked YOUR OWN butt in the gym, this is where Power Chews Pre-Workout gets crazy.

You see, Power Chews Pre-Workout is engineered with Micro-Detonation Technology. Here's how it works. This nano-inspired technology allows bio-molecules to be "programmed" and detonate off layers filled with a key energizing ingredient at strategic points pre, during, and post workout. This lets you experience all of the wicked training intensity...without falling victim to the post workout stimulant crash experienced with other formulas.

Power Chews Pre-Workout is designed to help you transform the way you look, feel, and perform in the gym...and out of the gym too. It's got everything you need to succeed.

It's concentrated with the best muscle building, strength inducing, performance enhancing supplement in the world - Creapure creatine monohydrate. It's loaded with every endurance-addicts' favorite, beta alanine. It's rich with every pump-fiends' best friend, 100% pure, pharmaceutical grade AAKG. And it contains two of the hardest hitting, feel-good, get up and get stuff done energy ingredients today, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine and caffeine

The Power of Xylitol
Power Chews are all sweetened with Xylitol sugar alcohol, a significant ingredient that effects the health of your blood sugar, gut, dental, and overall well being. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that delivers more than just great flavor and fewer calories.

While Xylitol is just as sweet as table sugar (sucrose), it has about 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbohydrates. That in itself can make a big impact on your waistline! Importantly, xylitol is slowly absorbed and metabolized, resulting in very negligible changes in insulin. Xylitol therefore won’t raise your blood sugar like regular sugar, which puts tremendous strain on your system, causing negative health effects.

Xylitol Dental Benefits/Antibacterial Qualities

More than a mere substitute, Xylitol appears to be a valuable adjunctive modality in dental care. Clinical and field tests demonstrated dramatic reductions in new tooth decay, along with arrest and even some reversal of existing dental cavities. This xylitol effect is long-lasting and possibly permanent. (10 Low decay rates persist even years after trials have been completed.). Xylitol has the interesting property that it causes bacteria on the surface of a membrane to become dislodged so they can be washed away.

Clinically Proven Effects of Xylitol"

Inhibits plaque and dental cavities by 80%
Retards demineralization of tooth enamel
Promotes remineralization of tooth enamel
Increases saliva production
Relieves dry mouth (xerostomia)
Protects salivary proteins, has a protein-stabilizing effect, Improves breath odor
Reduces infections in the mouth and nasopharynx (5,11,12,13)

Advantages of using xylitol:

improves diabetes and carbohydrate sensitivity
improve blood sugar control
Excellent taste, versatility and equivalent sweetness
Low calorie
Very low glycemic index
Minimal effect on blood sugar and insulin levels
Slow, steady release of energy
Antiketogenic - lowers serum free fatty acid levels and improves peripheral glucose utilization
Increases absorption of B vitamins and calcium
Improves dental health
Inhibits yeast, including Candida Albicans
Decreases glycation of proteins, reduces AGEs
Reduces carbohydrate cravings and binge eating (16,17)

Xylitol Aids Weight Loss

Xylitol slows stomach-emptying and its low glycemic index and mostly insulin-independent metabolism makes it ideal for maintaining steady levels of insulin and blood sugar. This increases satiety and reduces bingeing. Xylitol is incompletely absorbed, and only a portion of what is absorbed slowly converts to glucose. An important added bonus of xylitol metabolism is the activation of the glutathione antioxidant system which helps to squelch free radicals generated by heavy exercise, thereby reducing oxidative damage to muscle and blood cells. Because xylitol is efficiently and steadily converted to glucose (energy) and glycogen (storage) it may be particularly useful when coupled with other carbohydrates for recovery after heavy exercise. Likewise, it may be valuable for carbohydrate loading (super-compensating) by packing glycogen after a depletion phase.

Xylitol used between meals maintains a steady trickle of energy. Unabsorbed xylitol acts like dietary fiber, helping to maintain healthy gut function. Partial bacterial fermentation here produces volatile short chain fatty acids that are utilized along existing insulin-independent energy pathways.

Xylitol for Athletes and Bodybuilders
Developing lean muscle mass involves increasing anabolism (build-up) while minimizing catabolism (breakdown) of muscle protein. These are well-documented xylitol effects in conditions of stress and trauma. It is not known yet how well these findings will translate for athletes and bodybuilders, but the possibilities look promising.

Summary of Xylitol Benefits

Xylitol has been shown to contribute to increased bone density, weight loss, stabilization of blood sugar and lowering of insulin levels. Additional benefits include:

Increases energy by enhancing ATP production
Increases utilization of fat
Replenishes glycogen
Anabolic — keeps biosynthetic pathways open
Anticatabolic —helps maintain lean muscle mass
Antioxidant —generates NADPH, keeping glutathione in an active state
Increases endurance
Reduces free radical and oxidative damage

To be effective, 4 to 12 grams of xylitol per day are needed The suggested use for xylitol is 3-5 times daily between meals. Increasing benefits level off at around 15 grams per day. The safety of xylitol has been extensively tested. To date, it is completely devoid of adverse effects.

One serving of PowerChews provides your body with over 5g of xylitol, meaning you only need 2-3 servings between meals each day, with delicious body-building candy that maintains dental, blood glucose, gut and overall health coupled with the delivery of a full efficacious dose of BCAAs!

1. David Williams, How Sweet It Isnt!. Alternatives, June 99;185-8.

2. Makinen KK. Biochemical principles of the use of xylitol in medicine and nutrition with special consideration of dental aspects. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1978.

3. Aminoff C. New carbohydrate sweeteners. In Sugars in Nutrition (Sipple HL, McNutt KW, eds), Chapter 10, Academic Press, New York 1974.

4. Makinen KK. Latest dental studies on xylitol and mechanism of action of xylitol in caries limitation. In Progress in Sweeteners (Grenby TH, ed.), Chapter 13, Elsevier, London 1989.

5. John Peldyak, Xylitol, Sweeten Your Smile, Sweet Smart (Mt Pleasant, MI: Advanced Developments Inc., 1996).

6. Bar, A., Xylitol. In: Alternative Sweeteners, L. OBrien Nabors & R.C. Gelardi eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc., N.Y., 1986.

7. Life Sciences Research Office, 1986. Health aspects of sugar alcohols and lactose. Report prepared for the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and
Drug Administration, Washington, D.C., under contract No. FDA 223-83-2020 by the Life Sciences Research Office, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Bethesda, Md.

8. Office of the Federal Register, General Services Administration, 1987. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 21. S. 172. (395. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing

9. WHO/FAO Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, Twenty-seventh Report of the joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, Geneva, WHO Technical Report Series No .696, 1983.

10. Isokangas, P.; Alanen, P.; Tiekso, J.; and Makinen, K.K. 1989, Long-term effect of xylitol chewing gum on dental caries. Community Dent. Oral Epidemia: 200.

11. Soderling, E.; Makinen, K.K.; Chen, C-Y; Pape, Jr., H.R.; Makinen, P-L, Effect of Sorbitol, xylitol and xylitol/sorbitol chewing gums on dental plaque. Journal of Dental
Research, Vol.67, Special Issue, Abstract 1334, 1988.

12. Tufts University School of Dental Medicine: Dry Mouth, 1986 13. Makinen KK, Soderling E. Solubility of Calcium salts, enamel, and hydroxyapatite in aqueous solutions
of simple carbohydrates. Calcif Tissue Int (1984) 36:64-71

14. Svanberg M, Knuuttila M. Dietary xylitol prevents ovariectomy-induced changes of bone inorganic fraction in rats. Bone Miner (1994) 26:81-88

15. Uhari M, Kontiokari T, Koskela M, Niemela M. Xylitol chewing gum in prevention of acute otitis www. double blind randomized trial. Br Med J (1996) 313:1180-1184.

16. Brunzell, John D., Use of fructose, xylitol, or sorbitol as a sweetener in diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, Vol. 1, No. 4, July-August 1978.

17. Makinen KK. Dietary prevention of dental caris by xylitol- clinical effectiveness and safety. Journal of Applied Nutrition (1992) 44:16-28.

18. Scheinen A, Banoczy J, Szokes J, et al: Collaborative WHO xylitol field studies in Hungary. Acta Odontol Scand 1985;43:327-347.

19. Kandelman D, Bar A, Hefti A: Collaborative WHO xylitol field study in French Polynesia. Caries Res 1988;22(1):55-62.

20. Kandelman D, Gagnon G: J Dent Res 1987;66(8): 1407-1411.

21. Isokangas P, Alanen P, Tiekso J, Makinen KK. Xylitol chewing gum in caries prevention. A field study in children at caries-active ages. J Am Dent Assoc 1988.

22. Makinen, KK, et al. Belize Chewing Gum Study 1989-1993. Journal of Dental Research 1995;74(12):1904.
When was the last time you ate something that tasted like candy....helped build muscle...AND dentist approved??
waiting on more Glutamine and BCAA chews myself. HERRY THE F UP! i want it NOWWWW! lol
I've tried all PowerChews and they are such a sweet change from the regular powder, capsules, tablets!

NTBM sells them at a sweet price plus discount code!
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