Going to be running a new stack starting tomorrow Oct 8th 2010 form Need2:: I am really excited to start this one!

Katanadrol~ Mr Supps
Forged Burner~N2BM
Whey to Build protein cake batter flavor By N2BM
Creatine by N2BM
Fish oil, Flaxseed oil
Aloe Vera Gel 8oz a day
I am right now at 120lbs, 5ft 4in tall my in are::10 ¾ both arms, legs are at 19in, waist is 27.5in and hips are 31in chest 34in.
I am 5 weeks out right now form my next bikini show and looking to gain muscle from here and tone lower Ab’s as well. I hope to be figure ready by next year. I am also looking at improving my max weights for a small local competition we will be hosting here at our gym they are 210lbs dead lift, 210lbs squat, 125lbs bench right now all my max lifts.
I will take progress photos every 2 weeks to show how this stack is working for me. I am on the eat clean diet as well