Maximum Intensity ,
There are definitely people with 'hardgainer' genetics and ectomorph body types. I train with one and he works damn hard in all aspects of bodybuilding. (Hes progressing, just not as fast as the average guy)
Mesomorph - A person who gains lean muscle easily.
ECTOMORPH - A PERSON WHO FINDS IT HARD TO GAIN MUSCLE OR FAT. They cannot gain weight, so they usually remain thin until their metabolism slows down; even then some ectos cannot gain weight.
Endomorph - A person who finds it easy to put on weight in the form of both muscle and fat. They are ususally naturally rounded.
If you think that hardgainers are skinny because they dont train as hard or intelligently as you, then in a lot of cases you are mistaken. However, it is up to them to find what works best and this will take some time, as it says above, they'll find it much harder than most people until their metabolism slows.
Oh yeah, hardgainers shouldn't train their ass off so hard that all they feel pain and agony. This doesnt work for hardgainers, 'more is not better in this case!'
If you train like this and gain, then no your not a hardgainer. (At least not any more)