I could have very easily saved you the money you wasted on your vibrator...You could have just called me and I would spend a night looking for your g-spot.
If anyone else is concerned about finding the g-spot, just call on me.
~not responsible for unseen results...results may vary between users.~
So a girl posts something that she's intrested in, and she gets no help. witkowsd, please pardon these two...it's a known fact they each use a vibrator, but they wont own up to it.
I don't give two shits. It's a retarded post, she must be 12 yrs old. She has no sense of logic (obviously). She'd get better replies in the women's forum or between the sheets. Better yet, there is this thing called SEARCH. We... to make a story short she can just fuck off.
So a girl posts something that she's intrested in, and she gets no help. witkowsd, please pardon these two...it's a known fact they each use a vibrator, but they wont own up to it.
You must be fuken retarded, seriously go seek professional help immediately. I am really sorry to hear about your condition. Hope it get worse.
Muzhik, u tebya blyad dermo vmesto mozgov ! Ti che xuev sosal vse chizn vmesto togo shtobi v shkolu hodit ? Ili tebe v zhope diru razarvali kankretno ? Ya tebya umolyau , zatkni svou past ebanayu i perestan minet davat za rubl. Vozmis za ruki !