I'm no doctor, but I suspect that the nerve endings of a 30-something year old are more developed than a 2 day old. He went from having an extra thick layer, to some fresh, exposed nerve endings.
I'm no doctor, but I suspect that the nerve endings of a 30-something year old are more developed than a 2 day old. He went from having an extra thick layer, to some fresh, exposed nerve endings.
makes sense....but that should regulate itself after awhile. But i bet he had fun while it lasted, lols. He should have put on the trench coat and went flashing the ladies could he could have gone that extra appalling step by basically being able to load up on demand. lmfao
Germans ban circumcision of young boys not of age to consent....I agree with this. I was circumcised but in retrospect i would rather have made that decision when i was much older if i wanted that or not. Kind of fucked up to do something like that, which could just as easily be done later in life, to a baby or toddler.
Watch, they'll probably say this is the start of another Nazi uprising or something. But I agree, and I think it damages the psyche to be snipped, as well as physically. I really don't find sex all that pleasurable to be honest. Busting one out is about the only part of it that I feel much of anything.
I literally get more pleasure overall from eating a nice juicy steak and garlic mashed potatoes.