..Before answering that question truth to be said, I've never had a relationship with a non-bodybuilder. I have been lifting weights since I was 16, and started dating after that...(I'm a bit slow, I know..hehe..I'm not really the relationship type anyway..I always thought of a relationship as a friendship on fire..might be mistaken there though..) In between relationships I've been going out with guys that don't lift..or just go to the gym every now and then, but I keep running into the same phenomenon.
Maybe it's me..but every time I 'date' a non bodybuilder I tell them from the start what my 'lifestyle' entails, just not to waste anybody's time or set myself up for disaster..'I'm a bodybuilder, that is what I do..that's how I live my life... I walk around with Tupperware all the time...I go to the gym every day, I get up before the crack of dawn to do cardio..I eat funky stuff...That's what makes me tick.. If any of that bothers you, I'm not the girl for you..'..

..Fair enough not??...
Every time...and this happened about 3 times now..they say it's not a problem at all, that's what attracts them to me. They appreciate the discipline, time and dedication I put into it..and they look forward to train with me...rah..rah..Then after say 2 weeks or so the trouble starts. 'Want to go and grab a burger at MacD, hun?..'..'Erm, no..don't do Mac D..Sorry'..'Aaahhh, come one...one burger won't do nothing to your six pack..on top of that, I like you with or without six pack'...

...'Do you have to go to the gym again, today?..I arranged something special for us this afternoon'...'You went yesterday,...not going one day won't hurt'...

...'Erm..I'm going today, and to give you a sneak preview on the near future..pretty sure I'll go tomorrow as well!!'...

..Needless to say...that's me done relating!
Obviously dating bodybuilders is a different ballgame, even if you just met,..feels like coming home, because you have such a large part of your daily life in common. Trouble is to find a half sane bodybuilder...

..I'm kidding..
So, to answer the question..(I'm soapbox Annie again..Oh dear me..Sorry!)..I like nice teeth, a glorious smile..and legs, bodybuilding legs..I think legs make the difference between a bodybuilder and a beachboy or a bouncer (no offence). Not only the look of them, but also knowing the amount of work, sacrifice and effort that has gone in them to get them that way.
But above and beyond everything else I like intelligence, men with character and interests, who value honesty and integrity. I dont do drama, and I refuse to fuss and argue. Life's too short!!..
I like people who appreciate the simple things in life..a free spirit, who looks for solutions instead of problems, is honest, true to self and the people around him, masters the art of conversation and chooses to display compassion over power. Erm...needless to say...haven't found 'him' yet...hehe.. no hope, no glory!..(..don't wake me..

ignorance is bliss!..
