StevenDarwinMD Medical Review Board Chairman Member Dec 11, 2023 #11 This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.
Ulter Chairman Member Chairman Member Dec 11, 2023 #12 There is no perfect sarm cycle you have to experiment but I like lgd works good
chesty Bodybuilding Competitor Elite Moderator Dec 11, 2023 #13 lgd and Rad do 25 mg a day and go home
ROIDDERS Freak Platinum Dec 11, 2023 #14 i like LGD RAD but instead of ostarine do nutrobal good one!
ceo Chairman of Board Chairman Member EF Logger Dec 11, 2023 #15 perfect sarms stack has to always include GW IMO
RickRock13 Da Pope Platinum Dec 11, 2023 #16 10mg lgd per day 20mg RAD140 per day 25mg mk2866 per day Everything you need in the highest quality at umbrella labs
10mg lgd per day 20mg RAD140 per day 25mg mk2866 per day Everything you need in the highest quality at umbrella labs
MasonicBodybuilder Moderator Chairman Member Dec 12, 2023 #17 Dylan gave you a good stack with proper dosing but personally, I would swap out the Ostarine and put in GW at 20mg per day.
Dylan gave you a good stack with proper dosing but personally, I would swap out the Ostarine and put in GW at 20mg per day.