I have a friend, my lifting buddy as well. He is doing a mild cycle and wants to get his body fat down to like 8% (he is probably at 10 or so right now)I have talked till I am blue in the face, but he doesn't put in the effort (at least to the same level I do imo) He won't give up his beer, red wine, etc. He also won't eat properly (by that I mean, frequently enough, etc) So, while he may look better at the end, he won't achieve what he wants because it isn't truly the priority in his life. But that is cool. I think his main reason for cycles was to get on HRT and that is cool with me. I lift with him, but I also have to lift on my own to keep my attitude focused on the the gym and the life.
You sound like it is a quick answer, that one of us has the magic bullet so to speak. Plain and simple, it takes quality time in the gym over years of busting your ass till you cry at night from doing so.