good stuff... Heavywear how strong are these guys without their equipment??? I don't mean to be rude but these guys seem to be suited to the hilt so to say....
yes they are. of course they use what is permitted though. when in rome...
as far as their equipped lifts compared to their raw lifts...who knows. and if you ever ask on a PL forum you get pounced upon. Few competitors compete raw anymore. I think I'm with you though. If my bench shirt allows me to bench 70 pounds more than my shirtless bench it is really my bench? counts in the meet...guess thats the bottom line...just like the videos
squat: 50-100 pounds from knee wraps, squat suit (depending on canvas/hardcore material)
bench: 30-150+ pounds depending on material thickness (only the elite seem to get the big numbers from the shirts. I personally get 70 or so from double denim)
deadlift: not much to help here unless you are sumo. THEN, I think a squat suit helps as the bottom of the deadlift is just like being in a squat — the time when the support helps the most. Again, maybe 50-75 pounds?
add it all up, quite a bit on your raw total
Lots of factors to consider and gear certainly isn't magic, but some general ideas...spatts, you agree?
Probably not much unless you are used to training with gear on. I've been adding gear now for the past 2 weeks and it has thrown my balance off greatly. You have to learn how to use it...
That's an awesome site. Thanks for posting it. Tommy Fannon's own site, has alot more of his vids too, in case anyone doesn't know about it. I'm expecting great things from him!
Heavywear, I asked Fannon about his raw lifts and he was happy to oblige. I'm never reluctant to tell mine, nor are any of the guys I train with. I think where people get their heads bit off is when you say, "You're cheating." As you said, when in Rome. When you're following the rules, you're not cheating. And I don't know a single one of those guys that would lie and tell a geared-up number when asked for a raw.
Yeah, I didnt mean anyone would LIE about their lifts, i think the case is more that competitive lifters just dont max out "raw" anymore so they honestly dont know.
I remember when I was first lifting in a new YMCA during college in PA a really huge guy told me that "bouncing" the bar off my chest was the key to big weights........lmao: