At the moment, I have very poor cardio ability, along with work capacity. I always thought extra work would be counter productive, but maybe I could use it. So if I were to add in some extra workouts to my upcoming plan, would this work:
Monday PM
1 Arch Back Good Morning MAX
2 Hyper Extension (3x10)
3 DB Rows Elbows In (2x10)
4 Leg Raises (2 MAX)
5 Hyper Extension Obliques (2 MAX)
6 DB Shrugs (3x15)
Tuesday AM
Band Good Mornings
1 Floor Press MAX
2 JM Press (2x8)
3 DB Cuban Press (2x15)
4 DB Incline Across Chest Extension (50 reps)
5 DB Zottman Curls (50 reps)
6 Wrist Rollers (2x60 sec)
Wednesday AM
30 minutes GPP (sled/walking/jump rope)
Thursday AM
Band Pressdowns
Thursday PM
1 Dynamic Squat (12x2)
2 Dynamic Deadlift (6x1)
3 BB Row (2x6)
4 Decline Crunches w/ DB (2x8)
5 Side Bends w/ DB (2x8)
6 BB Shrugs (2x8)
Friday AM
Band Leg Curls
Friday PM
1 Dynamic Bench (8x3)
2 Close Grip Press (2x6)
3 DB Laterals (2x15)
4 BB Lying Extension (40 reps) (4x10)
5 Preacher Curls (40 reps) (4x10)
6 Wrist Rollers (2x60 sec)
Saturday AM
30 minutes GPP (sled/walking/jump rope)
Band Presses
Sunday AM
30 minutes GPP (sled/walking/jump rope)
Band Good Mornings
At the moment, I am only doing the PM weight workouts, so maybe I should just start with the 30 minute GPP stuff. Once I'm used to that add in the band work? Any ideas are appreciated