The effects of T3 were mentioned by Topps. Taking T3 is not going to do anything to your thyroid. Your pituitary will see that you have it and send signals to stop converting the T4 to T3 and to stop making it. Taking T3 is not like taking AAS where you are not sure if you will start producing again. Your thyroid will start right back up.
Usuallly T3 is NOT prescribed for hypothyroid conditions, it is T4.
With all of the fear mongering out of the way, there are consequences. T3 is like a stimulant as Topps said and can cause atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat).
If you do decide to take it, which Only you can decide, I would not exceed 50 mcg. Your body produces 25 mcg so 25 is worthless IMO.
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