Wow im jazzed. i had a great workout. ive been doing the overhead squats for the last 3 weeks to build up getting use to them. did them a week ago with the most weight i have ever done which was 75lbs. so since tuesday i have been trying to convice myself to up it to this weight and im glad i did......... read on:
Exodus DE Lower body day
Box squats - 10 x 2 with 235lbs.
Speed Conv Deads - 4 x 1 with 205lbs.
he he....... this is the big one
OVERHEAD SQUATS - 4 X 10 WITH 135LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA YEAH AM I PROUD AND EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG PR!!!!!
(ok, sorry)
reverse hypers - 3 x 8 with bodyweight.
1arm db row - 4 x 6 with 90lbs.
bb shrug - 2 x 15 with 225lbs.
man i feel great. ill let trinity post hers up when she can.
Exodus DE Lower body day
Box squats - 10 x 2 with 235lbs.
Speed Conv Deads - 4 x 1 with 205lbs.
he he....... this is the big one
OVERHEAD SQUATS - 4 X 10 WITH 135LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA YEAH AM I PROUD AND EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG PR!!!!!
(ok, sorry)
reverse hypers - 3 x 8 with bodyweight.
1arm db row - 4 x 6 with 90lbs.
bb shrug - 2 x 15 with 225lbs.
man i feel great. ill let trinity post hers up when she can.