Hi leancuisine. I 110% agree that BBs should eat better and with more knowledge than your average Joe/Jane. But surely you're not advocating that BBs can tolerate even LESS carbs than couch potatoes?? I have always advocated unprocessed, low GI, high fiber, natural carbs (and fats and proteins), and you will have a hard time proving to me that these types of carbs EATEN IN MODERATION are harmful to any BBs goals. Obviously any type of gluttony, to the extent of inducing obesity, is detrimental to a BBs goal. What SHOULD become obvious if you read all of the references at the end of that review article, is that IF you choose to eat a moderate or high carb diet, THEN you should keep saturated fat intake very low. Conversely, IF you choose to eat a high fat diet, THEN you should try to keep carb intake low. Carbs are not bad IMHO as long as you know how and when to use them to your advantage.
And in no way am I advocating a diet high in sucrose and fructose, just pointing out that it is not necessary to entirely avoid them like the plague. An ocassional piece of fruit or tablespoon of honey is not going to turn you into an obese, insulin resistant slob, and may even help you power through a tough workout without the potential hypoglycemia that pre-workout starch can induce. 6 cans of Coke per day is a different matter entirely.........
Perhaps you should start a new thread called "why carbs are evil for bodybuilders", or whatever your belief is, so we can all hear your side of the story? It's not like there is a shortage of anti-carb literature widely available on this site and many others. I'm just trying to balance the views of our members so they can understand all sides of the nutritional battlefield. To say any single macronutrient is 'bad' for bodybuilders is unsupported in any field of science. Even an ocassional indulgence in alcohol, coke or ice cream can be 'good' for a bodybuilder in the right situation!