New member
SO now that my cycle is over (16 days off) I d like to contribute a little bit, just in case smone would be interested in my results 
I run Epistane from IBE (first cycle) for 35 days at 10mg
My starting weight was 72-73 kg and my goal was strength increase and some body recomp.
Age 22
Years of weight training 3,5
Supplements on cycle:
NAC 600mg
VItamine C 500-1000mg
Fish oil(super EPA) 2-4gr
Side effects: Minimal to none. Just the first 5 days I felt kind of weird (elevated blood pressure, oily skin and diziness) but after that period I was back to normal.
My clit was a little bit swollen the 3d and 4th week but it returned to normal once I got off cycle.
My period was pretty normal ,right on time, and with usual blood flow.
No water retention, no lethargy, no acne, no hairgrow ( I m a little bit hairy anyway
) and unfortunately no elevated sex drive lol.
Gains: From the 2nd week I felt my strenght increasing, not something VERY impressing though. Strength gains on lower body were significant
(Ham leg press went from 140kg for 10 reps to 180kg for 10 reps,
Back squat from 4*80kg to 4*90kg, Deadlifts from 5*105kg to 4*120kg)
Its kg not lbs,I live in europe and I m not familiar to US metric system, sorry for that.
On the upper body, nothing very noticeable, maybe because I was already very strong anyway. Just more energy and aggression during workouts.
I Felt like epi helped mainly on my weakness wich was my lower body.
I gained about 2-3 kg of bodyweight with mentenaince calories. I did not notice any difference in the mirror but those who hadnt see me for more than a month, they told me I got even more muscular. So I guess there should ve been a change...
Post cycle I decided to run small dosage of Nolvadex (5 days of 10mg, 5 days of 5 mg and 5 days 5mg EOD).
MY strength gains are still here, my bodyweight is still the same. I feel more tired these days, a little bit lethargy and it feels tough to wake up every morning. I lowered the frequency of my training from 5-6 days a week(on cycle of course) to 4 times a week (as I always did)
I had a blood check 2 days ago and everything was more than perfect (liver indexes, LDL, HDL and everything)
Now I ll wait for hormonal check to see if everything is ok as well.
SO all in all I am very satisfied from my cycle and I concider it side-free. I ll defenately run it again, propably at a higher dose (15mg), after 6-7 months

I run Epistane from IBE (first cycle) for 35 days at 10mg
My starting weight was 72-73 kg and my goal was strength increase and some body recomp.
Age 22
Years of weight training 3,5
Supplements on cycle:
NAC 600mg
VItamine C 500-1000mg
Fish oil(super EPA) 2-4gr
Side effects: Minimal to none. Just the first 5 days I felt kind of weird (elevated blood pressure, oily skin and diziness) but after that period I was back to normal.
My clit was a little bit swollen the 3d and 4th week but it returned to normal once I got off cycle.
My period was pretty normal ,right on time, and with usual blood flow.
No water retention, no lethargy, no acne, no hairgrow ( I m a little bit hairy anyway

Gains: From the 2nd week I felt my strenght increasing, not something VERY impressing though. Strength gains on lower body were significant
(Ham leg press went from 140kg for 10 reps to 180kg for 10 reps,
Back squat from 4*80kg to 4*90kg, Deadlifts from 5*105kg to 4*120kg)
Its kg not lbs,I live in europe and I m not familiar to US metric system, sorry for that.
On the upper body, nothing very noticeable, maybe because I was already very strong anyway. Just more energy and aggression during workouts.
I Felt like epi helped mainly on my weakness wich was my lower body.
I gained about 2-3 kg of bodyweight with mentenaince calories. I did not notice any difference in the mirror but those who hadnt see me for more than a month, they told me I got even more muscular. So I guess there should ve been a change...

Post cycle I decided to run small dosage of Nolvadex (5 days of 10mg, 5 days of 5 mg and 5 days 5mg EOD).
MY strength gains are still here, my bodyweight is still the same. I feel more tired these days, a little bit lethargy and it feels tough to wake up every morning. I lowered the frequency of my training from 5-6 days a week(on cycle of course) to 4 times a week (as I always did)
I had a blood check 2 days ago and everything was more than perfect (liver indexes, LDL, HDL and everything)
Now I ll wait for hormonal check to see if everything is ok as well.
SO all in all I am very satisfied from my cycle and I concider it side-free. I ll defenately run it again, propably at a higher dose (15mg), after 6-7 months

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