My tests
I can definitely confirm the retesting thing. I got my own levels done at a physical recently and The Dr's office called me up and said all your tests look good, your kidney, the barium shake thing, your there any reason you might have cirhossis or maybe hepatitis B or C? Because your liver levels are really quite high.
I freaked out, because I've never cycled (have only screwed around a lvery little bit with prohormones) and don't drink much at all. I do have a pierced nose, and I started to wonder if maybe I got hep. from that...
So they redid the tests, and I waited for days in a pretty bad state of paranoia, and then they called me up and said, you're fine, your levels are fine. Apparently these tests are pretty sensitive, and that's the first thing they do when they get a strange result. Man, I was scared there for a while.