Hi. I'm a soon to be Senior high school football player, and i've been doing a 5x5 workout for the past six months (counting being injured one month). I'm 5'7, 203lbs. Six months ago i weighed around 175. I've been lifting very hard, and eating, eating, and eating. My diet has consisted of about six meals a day with something similar to a gallon of water, gallon of chocolate milk, steak, tuna, brocolli, spinach, subway, potatoes, hamburgers, and energy drinks with protein shakes in between meals every day. In six months i've turned from 175lbs to 203lbs. My lifts have improved from 185x1 bench to 240x1, 275x1 squat to 365x1, and 155x1 hang clean to 225x1. A few of my teammates and coaches are telling me that i'm getting too fat and losing too much speed. I've been running only a mile a week. But on the other hand a few other coaches and friends say that i'm doing the right thing and need to continue. Since i'm only 5'7 and i'm getting a belly on me now,(although i don't eat much fast food, and i do roman chairs till it hurts.)i'm really contemplating if i should diet myself back down to 185 or not. If i were to go for more power than speed, i would lift crazy and eat myself up to 225. My sleep hours are weird though, and i think i overtrain myself sometimes. I need your advice on what you would do if you were in my shoes.