i'm telling you.. tomorrow will be the day. it really has to be...
a very good friend of mine has been spending a lot of time with me.. cancelling things just to be there and hang out with me. i am really lucky. if i am not up by noon tomorrow i'm gonna be forced up i am told.
tonight is early to bed - i'm totally exhausted.
i'm really glad for having you guys and this forum. it really helps a lot..
if any of you have aim, pm me your handle and i'll add you to my list.
Just dropping in on the thread to wish you well for today. I totally know what you mean about being simultaneously hungry and without appetite ... as KBG says, it's totally understandable given what you've been through lately Maybe you can plan exactly what you're going to eat a day in advance? That might help combat the impulse to put it off until "later on".
And write, in your journal or wherever ... write about how you're feeling. Emotions and appetite are intrinsically linked so maybe if you engage with how you're feeling it will help improve your appetite and regain you your strength.
A bit bleugh to be honest . I tell myself on one day to eat more cos, after all, I'm giving this recovery thing a shot. But then when I eat more than normal - even if it's uber healthy - that little switch flicks in my head and I end up going crazy with the cereal box I seriously need to do what I suggested to you above (yeah, it's a total case of "physician, heal thyself"!), and that's plan my menu at least a day in advance, rather than trusting in spontaneous choices. KEL's made me a really balanced and reasonably low-cal menu plan though so I'm going to try that out
btw, I like your bicep flex in your avatar! I just bought some dumbells today (carrying them home almost killed me ) and I'm hoping to grow something out of these excuses for arms! How long did it take you to get them like that? Curious minds want to know
oh wow i haven't had that up in a while now... lol
to be honest less than a year, and then a few weeks to add to my arms a bit on cycle. reason being that i was very fit when i was a rower... so muscle memory. that and my biceps love me for some lovely reason
good work hon - it's good to see you are making some progress. just remember that it's one thing at a time... any progress is good progress. you're on your way
oh yeah, I forgot about the time difference - it's almost 7pm here Scrambled eggs are good - I have egg whites with salsa almost every day at the moment.
I think that my body build is genetically a bit like yours cos I have always found my arms are relatively strong compared to the rest of me (not that my lameass arm picture testifies to that too well ). I can do 20-30 press-ups without too much difficulty, even though I've been a couch potato for years , so I'm hoping I'll see results pretty quickly if I focus on my bis/tris.
Anyway, I hope your scrambled eggs are enjoyable, or, if not, at least manageable .. and I'm awaiting your post to say what an awesome endorphin-pumping workout you had