Hey jfonseka
It depends...
As part of an resistance training regime, it's a good idea to split your meals up into several sitting (5-7) to ensure you get your calorie intake requirement and a consistant level of protein in the blood and tissues for maintaining positive nitrogen balance. Small and regular meals also ensure steady blood levels of glucose and not the spike-deficit of high/low Carbohydrate levels from 3-square meals a day.
Now, my interpretation of what you wrote is this:
'I'm eating a normal diet of breakfast, dinner, and tea. I also have a snack on the morning, afternoon, and evening in between meals and after my last main meal?'
If I'm right in assuming this, I'd ask:
1. What are your training goals?
2. What does a/the main meal/s consist of in macro breakdown and calories?
3. What do your snacks consist of and how many kcals?
4. How many snacks per day?
I don't really think anyone can add any specific advice regarding your question in the absence of these answers.
Hope this helps.