Day 24 - More Excellent Gains!!
So everyday when I get to the gym, the first thing I do is go grab my treadmill thats right in front of the ESPN tv's and then go weight myself... I weighed in at 191 today! Thats up 3 pounds from the end of my helladrol cycle... I was shocked because I felt so light but my arms and chest continue to grow, so that alone was a great start to my day... Cardio wasn't too bad today... Some days it goes faster or easier than others and some days its a bit more difficult... Today was an average day... Its never easy, but I do enjoy it, plus I am listening to ESPN the entire time so it does go by fairly quickly, even though its 75 minutes worth everyday...
So, today was back and traps... The one negative from today is that I am experiencing some joint pain or possibly tennis elbow in my left arm... My shoulder has been hurting me lately too but when I pulled into the gym I tried to pop it and it popped and I about past out... All the pain went away really fast though! =)
So on to the workout... Today I did back and traps... I felt so strong once again today... A nice carry over from yesterdays workout... I decided to go for a PR on my free weight barbell rows... 4 plates on the bar... This was a huge lift for me and I did all 4 sets x 10 on it... I felt like a beast every set... I also was able to do sets of 115 on a barbell for high rows, which was another pr... I was repping 300 on the dorsiflexor machine with an inverted grip which was awesome... I also had to add dumbbells to the cable machine on my double arm back pulldowns because the machines didnt have enough weight... I love that feeling!! Today was a great success and I can definitely see the size increase... I am absolutely loving it!