Atkins didn't "steal" jack. Any research that was already done before he arrived on the scene was given 100 percent props in his book.
Of course the low carb thing had been thought of before. Hasn't anyone heard "There's nothing new under the sun..."?
Of course someone was going to think of a primitive version of this which at the time amounted to "eat lots of meat".
One of the reasons this idea was hit upon was that Eskimos ate nothing but fat and meat and were found to be rather healthy by the standards of the day. Even all these years later you could listen to a nutritionist talk for 5 minutes and you'd think that Eskimos would have heart attacks by the time they were 15.
Hell, people back then had thought of about every weird nutritional scheme you can think of. Such as Dr. Kellogg's "high fiber, vegetarian, get an enema every five minutes" diet.
What Atkins did though was say "Look, the modern health professionals will tell you this stuff is quackery and it will kill you, but show me one damn piece of evidence that says it will!"
And he's pretty well on the mark. Despite what you might believe, there really never was any evidence that I know of that clearly demonstrates that "traditional" diets are healthier than the Atkins diet.
And you have to realize the diets that doctors have been suggesting for overweight people for the last 30 years or so, the "traditional" diets, are what most people in here would consider to be in fact "quackery".
We're seriously talking about people being told that eating over 100 grams of protein a day can mess up your kidneys, all fat is bad, pasta is great, etc.