I'm sorry if I didn't give you an answer that you liked, but if you don't know what putting extra hormones into your body does, you shouldn't be taking them. The laxative and diarhea medicine analogy is an apt one.
If by contradict you mean, do steroids render oral contraceptives less effective, no, they shouldn't, but the estrogen will hamper gains from the Winny/Var.
Caelon...welcome to the boards. I don't know what kind of forums you're used to posting in, but the 'tude isn't necessary here. You can always count on Ceebs for a good answer....and I believe she gave you two, in this case.
Ty for the info i just didnt look at your analogy close enough to understand it. And yes i know nothing about drugs and hormones for women thats why i am asking !
Oh, goodness....not having a period and not ovulating are two different things. If you want to maintain that theory, I'll get out my yarn and start working on some booties for ya.