Last year while when I started cutting up I was only getting about 1 gallon per day in, total, includin what I had used in my shakes. I made it a point to try and force 2 gallons down throughout the day, which was very hard at first. I now get down 3 gallons easy, I trained myself to drink more and more. The bad thing is, I can get down 3 gallons easy now, if not more on some days, and I piss every 15 mins, shit thats annoying. Even if I finish 3 gallons 4 hours before I get to sleep, I still wake up 4-5 times through the night to piss, long pisses. I tried cutting back and I cant, I am constantly thirsty and I feel dehydrated if I dont finish 3 gallons. I try not to drink anymore than then the 3 gallon mark though because I feel anymore than that isnt that good, plus I hate fucking pissing all the time.