Yup. One of the biggest and THE most well-proportioned guy at my gym, so I ain't gonna argue(Although I think this has much to do with his genetics) He actually does 12-15 sets of incline DB press for chest. 15-20 sets of rows. Crazy volume. I've come into the gym and he was doing incline DB presses, done my workout, sat around guzzling my postworkout shake, taken a shower, changed and as I was leaving saw him still doing incline DB presses. He weighs 210, is natural, and used to weigh 235. At 235, he looked like Arnold at his peak, maybe better--certainly better legs. Honest to goddamn truth. He looked better than most pros. But he's never competed. Unbelievable. What's really great is he's always got these little skinny beginners trying to work in with him.