Ha Ha Ha. No it is just weird seeing a dude with boobs. And I was thinking since it was fatty tissue they should go away. I mean that would suck if the dude dieted and worked out to lose weight and then he still had tits you know.
High bodyfat levels can be a symptom as well as a cause of elevated estrogen levels, which in turn may result in gynocomastia. This would cause a disproportionate increase in fatty tissue around the breast/pectoral area and could make that fat hard to completely get rid of, even if the guy cut his bodyfat percentage down to acceptable levels. Even if he got shredded, he'd still have lumps under the nipple from the developed mammary tissue that would have to be removed with surgery.
Then, there are a lot of guys who are just fat with fat titties, and if/when they cut down, they'll disappear.