What's the major difference between 400mg of test/week and 500mg of test/week. Other than 100mg you smart asses.
I ask because I was just reading this thread about a first bulking cycle and many members were suggesting he start at 350mg-400mg/week. While many other threads suggest 500mg to start.
I see a lot of variance in suggested dosage of test and it doesn't seem to correlate with factors such as height/weight/bf. It seems more like that particular member's preference and therefore what they suggest as a good starting dose.
I had great gains off 400mg(first cycle kept 14lbs after PCT) and I planned to stick with that for my next cycle, and each subsequent cycle until it stops working. However when I recently posted my upcoming cycle at 400mg, it was recommended I up it to 500. I don't disagree with that member's suggestion and respect it greatly.
But I'm very curious why many vets believe 500mg to be the sweet spot. Are there significant differences in gains between, say 400mg and 500mg? Does the 25% increase in test yield an equal return in gains?
On that same token, I would imagine there is a ceiling to how "shut-down" you can be. Meaning at some point you are 100% shutdown, so recovery theoretically should be the same regardless of the dose. Is there any accuracy to that statement?
Finally, is it noticeably more difficult to recover from 500mg than 400mg? How about 600mg? I'm specifically talking about recovery. I understand that estrogen-related sides will increase with the amount of test, that's easily controlled with AI's. But is getting back to baseline more challenging as you climb the ladder?
I ask because I was just reading this thread about a first bulking cycle and many members were suggesting he start at 350mg-400mg/week. While many other threads suggest 500mg to start.
I see a lot of variance in suggested dosage of test and it doesn't seem to correlate with factors such as height/weight/bf. It seems more like that particular member's preference and therefore what they suggest as a good starting dose.
I had great gains off 400mg(first cycle kept 14lbs after PCT) and I planned to stick with that for my next cycle, and each subsequent cycle until it stops working. However when I recently posted my upcoming cycle at 400mg, it was recommended I up it to 500. I don't disagree with that member's suggestion and respect it greatly.
But I'm very curious why many vets believe 500mg to be the sweet spot. Are there significant differences in gains between, say 400mg and 500mg? Does the 25% increase in test yield an equal return in gains?
On that same token, I would imagine there is a ceiling to how "shut-down" you can be. Meaning at some point you are 100% shutdown, so recovery theoretically should be the same regardless of the dose. Is there any accuracy to that statement?
Finally, is it noticeably more difficult to recover from 500mg than 400mg? How about 600mg? I'm specifically talking about recovery. I understand that estrogen-related sides will increase with the amount of test, that's easily controlled with AI's. But is getting back to baseline more challenging as you climb the ladder?