New member
Ok lets get started.....
My net days of being on alot are numbered....hey I like checking posts but frankly opputunities are getting too good out there...besides if I can do this well this past year being half speed what can I do full speed...which leads me to...some of y'all spend way too much fucking time on the net and have blurred the difference between this world and your real one...wake up before you find yourself even more lonely with no friends...and another thing...guys and you girls too...instead of bitching about how you cant find true love well get off the comp get the fuck out of the house and mingle...and what is with all the peanut galleries here who complain about getting flamed yet jump into threads looking for it with dumb fucking comments...if you cant stand the heat...well you know the rest...back to normal workouts after a forced and unfortunate layoff beyond my control...goddam I am sore and it feels great...oops I forgot most people here just talk about working out rather then doing it....I still hate the NWO and Hulk and Kevin Nash...altho I have never really minded Hall that least he is humourous..the other 2 are jokes of former selves...Rock Vs Hogan...ooh the battle of the 4 wrestling moves total in that match lol...the mod bashing has stopped for least until more mods are nominated..which reminds me...why the fuck has Mr Muscle never been made a me he is probably one of the more contributing members of the board and he wears pink Otomixs...I really hate these threads I open where someone has linked a pic from another site....yes you are getting aorund platinum but the dumb fucking pictures slow down computers...when plat members post a pic from thier comp it does not do this....I have lots of work to do so I must get going ...took a couple days off after a hellish few weeks...yes they were owed to me...where have all the funny people gone...we need people like Gorilla Boy, Captain Awesome, Winny, BOS and others...people get way too offended by them but at the same time cant resist opening thier threads which I find ironic and hypocritical....anyways have a good day...dont like what I said well tough shit.
Later fuckers
My net days of being on alot are numbered....hey I like checking posts but frankly opputunities are getting too good out there...besides if I can do this well this past year being half speed what can I do full speed...which leads me to...some of y'all spend way too much fucking time on the net and have blurred the difference between this world and your real one...wake up before you find yourself even more lonely with no friends...and another thing...guys and you girls too...instead of bitching about how you cant find true love well get off the comp get the fuck out of the house and mingle...and what is with all the peanut galleries here who complain about getting flamed yet jump into threads looking for it with dumb fucking comments...if you cant stand the heat...well you know the rest...back to normal workouts after a forced and unfortunate layoff beyond my control...goddam I am sore and it feels great...oops I forgot most people here just talk about working out rather then doing it....I still hate the NWO and Hulk and Kevin Nash...altho I have never really minded Hall that least he is humourous..the other 2 are jokes of former selves...Rock Vs Hogan...ooh the battle of the 4 wrestling moves total in that match lol...the mod bashing has stopped for least until more mods are nominated..which reminds me...why the fuck has Mr Muscle never been made a me he is probably one of the more contributing members of the board and he wears pink Otomixs...I really hate these threads I open where someone has linked a pic from another site....yes you are getting aorund platinum but the dumb fucking pictures slow down computers...when plat members post a pic from thier comp it does not do this....I have lots of work to do so I must get going ...took a couple days off after a hellish few weeks...yes they were owed to me...where have all the funny people gone...we need people like Gorilla Boy, Captain Awesome, Winny, BOS and others...people get way too offended by them but at the same time cant resist opening thier threads which I find ironic and hypocritical....anyways have a good day...dont like what I said well tough shit.
Later fuckers