Hello all
I have quite a distressing problem- its long but pls bear with me... Last year May I fell very ill with a virus and lost 11lbs in a very short time. Following that I lost an additional 22 lbs basically because I wasn't eating nearly enough due to the illness.
I was basically anorexic but I did eat-just not a lot and only chicken, fish and green veg. all day every day. I still managed to train but didn't put on any weight. This year April I was at my lowest weight of 90 lbs on my 5'8 frame. since then I have gained 11lbs. I am now desperate to put on more muscle weight but because my hormones are so supressed (tstosterone was so insignificant it hardly shwed up on test results!) I am not gaining muscle.
I am really ready to do something drastic to get a ripped, built physique but I can't get my body to do what I want. I am just very afraid of putting on fat. I want to look ripped and defined not bulky.
My diet is currently hovering around 1600-1800 cal. Loads of protien, moderate srtarchy carbs, supplementing with falx seed oil. Roughly 40/40/20 ratio. (I eat every two hours) As far as training goes I lift four days a week chest/tri, back/bi, legs, shoulders/abs.
I never used to do cardio but now because I am eating so much I have started to do it every day I lift for 20 mins and 40 mins on off days.
I know this is an incredible long post but I am at the end of my line and getting frustrated with this skinny body. If anyone can help me I really want muscles but without the fat!
If more info is needed, i will galdly post.
Height: 5'8
Weight: 102 lbs
Bodyfat: Had it checked at two different places: one was 11% the other was 20% I'm prob. somewhere in between though.
I have quite a distressing problem- its long but pls bear with me... Last year May I fell very ill with a virus and lost 11lbs in a very short time. Following that I lost an additional 22 lbs basically because I wasn't eating nearly enough due to the illness.
I was basically anorexic but I did eat-just not a lot and only chicken, fish and green veg. all day every day. I still managed to train but didn't put on any weight. This year April I was at my lowest weight of 90 lbs on my 5'8 frame. since then I have gained 11lbs. I am now desperate to put on more muscle weight but because my hormones are so supressed (tstosterone was so insignificant it hardly shwed up on test results!) I am not gaining muscle.
I am really ready to do something drastic to get a ripped, built physique but I can't get my body to do what I want. I am just very afraid of putting on fat. I want to look ripped and defined not bulky.
My diet is currently hovering around 1600-1800 cal. Loads of protien, moderate srtarchy carbs, supplementing with falx seed oil. Roughly 40/40/20 ratio. (I eat every two hours) As far as training goes I lift four days a week chest/tri, back/bi, legs, shoulders/abs.
I never used to do cardio but now because I am eating so much I have started to do it every day I lift for 20 mins and 40 mins on off days.
I know this is an incredible long post but I am at the end of my line and getting frustrated with this skinny body. If anyone can help me I really want muscles but without the fat!
If more info is needed, i will galdly post.
Height: 5'8
Weight: 102 lbs
Bodyfat: Had it checked at two different places: one was 11% the other was 20% I'm prob. somewhere in between though.