Calves are pretty genetically determined. It is a fact.
Generally if a guy possesses decent calf shape and reasonable size without even training them then they have potential to build nice thick calves. Some people are born with exceptionally developed calves without doing a damn thing.
If proportionately your calves lack decent shape or size incomparison to the rest of your body then I wouldn't expect to be able to build them to super levels. This is pretty easy to determine. If your calf mass is pretty small overall and or you have short calves then likely your calves fall under the shite category.
Doesn't mean you can't improve. It just means you need to be realistic. If your calves naturally suck then it is what it is.
I see it ALL the time in the gym. I even see guy's that do try to train their legs and give them proper effort that still have stick legs and no calves, but great upper bodies.
This is just my opinion.