mmm..maybe, but I'm not seeing it myself, for example all these little mom&pop pharms in Pattaya or Bangkok, that are on every corner; they all basically carry the same Body Research, British Dispensary, and Organon roids and I've never seen a fake, and I think BR and BD in particular would move to stamp out anyone who tried to copy their product and sell it openly in pharmacy's; since both those companies are based in Bangkok and a big part of their revenues come from foreigners visiting those little pharms..

GoldenDelicious said:lots and lots and lots of stuff over there is fake...from roids to antibiotics to vitamins
there are a lot of unscrupulous people over there who dont give a shit what happens to the sucker buying
what is especially sickening is fake life saving meds, like those used for malaria etc
i would just avoid asia myself...unless i was buying bladders and i could get them checked