I’m just about to start my bulk cycle and I’m so tired of using tren, I always get the following side effects: night sweats, insomnia, coughing my lungs up, zero appetite, heartburn.
Tren turns me into a zombie and my normally high appetite becomes non-existant...
I always run 700mg tren ace and would like to switch to deca/mast/test instead. Masteron because I have tons of it and it makes my mood great.
Which cycle would give the best muscle gains on a bulk? Obviously 2g deca is a lot but I’m a big guy and if I feel it gets too overwhelming I’ll lower it. Would love the joint benefits.
700mg Masteron
2000mg Deca (NPP) + AI
low dose test
700mg tren A [my usual cycle]
Obviously I never want to run tren on a bulk again but I just want to know your opinion on how the 2 cycles compare.
Tren turns me into a zombie and my normally high appetite becomes non-existant...
I always run 700mg tren ace and would like to switch to deca/mast/test instead. Masteron because I have tons of it and it makes my mood great.
Which cycle would give the best muscle gains on a bulk? Obviously 2g deca is a lot but I’m a big guy and if I feel it gets too overwhelming I’ll lower it. Would love the joint benefits.
700mg Masteron
2000mg Deca (NPP) + AI
low dose test
700mg tren A [my usual cycle]
Obviously I never want to run tren on a bulk again but I just want to know your opinion on how the 2 cycles compare.