about the same size, but deca will hold more water. So deca slightly will yield 1-4lbs difference in my opinion. Deca is excellent on joints though. I would go with EQ unless you are bulking then Deca.
I'm going to try and eq 400mg/wk---deca 300mg/wk//8wks cycle staring next week....i'll kepp you posted....my friend ran this cycle and gained 10lbs of lean muscle mass!!!
EQ is better hands down. You will see quality size gains with a more natural look. It will make you strong with a test. Deca will add more size but have a watery look to it. Both are great but Im pushin 500mgs of EQ/wk and seeing fantastic gains with test E 300
how long should a cycle last i was told to take as long as i wanted but is there a point where the body gets used to it and you dont grow? hence the need to off cycle?