I am new to your forum and so far it seems like a very interesting source of information,
I was wondering if any of you out there had any opinions on my upcoming stack for the
deca at 2500 mg and sust at 4000 mg in a pyramid cycle with clomid and nolvadex for the
appropriate times, at present am 5'11, 190 at 13% bf, wanting to add 15-20 pounds of
lean mass, have clen and synthroid for after to get hard and loose any gained fat during
mass cycle.
Any comments?
I was wondering if any of you out there had any opinions on my upcoming stack for the
deca at 2500 mg and sust at 4000 mg in a pyramid cycle with clomid and nolvadex for the
appropriate times, at present am 5'11, 190 at 13% bf, wanting to add 15-20 pounds of
lean mass, have clen and synthroid for after to get hard and loose any gained fat during
mass cycle.
Any comments?